Sunday, October 23, 2016

Chefe oromia elected Lemma Megerssa as president oromia

By @abenezer_a

Adama, October 23,2016. Chefe oromia (oromia Council) held the 5th round work session meeting and second urgent meeting in Adama city 100km from Addis Ababa

The central committee of Opdo presented the appointment of obbo Lemma Megerssa and obbo Eshetu Dessie to the council. The council approved with full vote the newly elected Opdo chairman Obbo Lemma Magarsa to replace obbo Muktar Kedir as President of the region and obbo Eshetu Dessie vice president of the region to be house of speaker of Oromia Council.

Obbo Baker Sahle Office head of  Opdo speaking to the council, the assigned officials have long experience and required educational level to execute their responsibility

It can be recalled that Muktar Kedir (President of the region) and Aster Mamo, chair and deputy chair were sacked in September by the central committee of Opdo following evaluation.

Lemma Megerssa has worked in security and law enforcement offices in both regional and federal agencies and as speaker of Oromia council before he was appointed as  as chairman of Opdo and President of the oromia region.


Saturday, October 22, 2016

"The EU must stand up for the people of Ethiopia

Translated by Google Translate

If Ethiopia continues to oppress its own citizens and stifle dissent, the EU should consider how agreements with Ethiopia to look ahead, writes MP Anders Österberg (S).

In the past two weeks have reminded the outside world about how the Ethiopian senior political and military deals with those who openly dare to protest against the regime. Although the Ethiopian Constitution states that you as citizens have freedom of speech, you are anything but free to express your opinion.

For 11 months ongoing civil protests against the regime in Addis Ababa with hundreds of deaths as a result. The protests have been met with bullets. Especially bloody was there during the festive feast Irreecha two weeks ago. Where anti-government protests were met with tear gas and gunfire. In the panic that arose were trampled many people to death or drowned in water-filled ditches.

A week ago announced the Ethiopian authorities that they face a six months long state of emergency. At a stroke transformed Ethiopia into the world's largest outdoor prison. After the announcement of the state of emergency was given notice Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn that the state is required because "foreign enemies" and "anti-peace forces' trying to destabilize Ethiopia.

The argument, however, is a game for the gallery. The regime chose to blame a vague external enemy as a way to explain away that it is in their own home as discontent ferment. Even before the regime has tightened the freedom of expression in the country, for example: if you like the Ethiopians in social media express anything negative about the government, it can provide up to 25 years in prison. The state risk only increasing unrest in the country even more and there is a risk that it will soon boil over completely.

Sweden has a long relationship with Ethiopia. During the 1850s, Swedish missionaries among the first Europeans to visit the country in depth. During the brutal Italian occupation traveled some Swedish volunteers down and trained Ethiopian forces. Swedish assistance has built many school buildings and institutions in the country. Today, Sweden is among other assistance to Ethiopia to be put on agriculture to more ecologically sustainable, and that more young people will be able to commence postgraduate studies. No Swedish development aid goes directly to the regime.

The crimes in progress of human rights in Ethiopia today can no longer be ignored by major players such as the EU and the US. The EU should call for the right to secure the investigation of the murders which have taken place while the ongoing repression must be condemned. Right now, the EU plans to provide even more support to Ethiopia. If Ethiopia continues its pattern of repressing its own citizens and stifle dissent, the EU should consider how agreements with Ethiopia to look forward.

Recently, both the people and the opposition gathered and shown that they are ready to work together to build a democratic and united Ethiopia. Sweden's commitment to human rights and freedoms is well known by the people of Ethiopia. Sweden's voice has a great impact among the Ethiopians, and even in opposition. With Sweden's help, the good forces in Ethiopia start as a seed that can grow strong and start reaping democracy also in Ethiopia. But Sweden can not work alone, the EU must be able to stand up to the Ethiopians unconditional right to freedom of expression.

Anders Österberg (S), Member of Parliament, deputy of the Foreign Affairs Committee


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Eskinder, Woubshet, Temesgen couldn't appear as defense witnesses

"እስክንድር ነጋ በማረሚያ ቤት ታራሚዎችን ለረብሻ እና ብጥብጥ እያነሳሳ ይገኛል። ...ለፖሊስ የእጀባ ሥራም አደጋ ይፈጥራል። በዚህ የተቸገርን መሆኑን ፍርድ ቤቱ ይረዳልን"
- የቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት ደብዳቤ

"የዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት የትራንስፖርት ችግር ገጥሞት ነው። ታራሚዎችን የሚያመላልሰው መኪና ተበላሽቶ ለጥገና አዲስ አበባ መጥቶ ስላልተመልሰ ተመስገን ደሳለኝንና ውብሸት ታዬን በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ እንድናቀርብ ከይቅርታ ጋር እንጠይቃለን"
- የዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት ደብዳቤ

የቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት በቂ ምክንያት ባለማቅረቡ እስክንድር ነጋን በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ በቂ አጃቢ ተመድቦለት በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ ይቅረብ"
- የችሎት ዳኛ
ዛሬ በፌዴራል ከፍተኛ ፍርድ ቤት አራዳ ምድብ 2ኛ ወንጀል ችሎት እኔና አምሳሉ ገ/ኪዳን ቀሪ የመከላከያ ምስክሮችን ለማድመጥ ቀጠሮ ነበረን። ሆኖም በተለያዩ ምክንያቶች የተነሳ ምስክሮችን ማድመጥ ሳይቻል ቀርቶ ለታህሳስ 20 ቀን 2009 ዓ.ም ተለዋጭ ቀጠሮ ተሰጥቷል።

በዛሬው ቀጠሮ፣ ጠበቃ አምሃ መኮንን 2ኛ ተከሳሽ አምሳሉ ገ/ኪዳን እግሩን ሪህ ስላመመውና በዚህም የተነሳ ከክፍለ-ሀገር መምጣት አለመቻሉን፣ ነገር ግን በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ የሃኪም ማስረጃ እንደሚያቀርብ በመግለጽ ነበር ችሎቱ የተጀመረው።

ከሳሽ አቃቤ ህግም፣ ዳኛው በችሎት ከተሰየሙ በኋላ በጣም ዘግይቶ ነበር የተገኘው። በዚህ መሃል አንዲት የማረሚያ ቤት ፖሊስ ለዳኛው ሁለት ደብዳቤዎችን ሰጠች። የችሎቱ ዳኛም ደብዳቤዎቹን አይተው ማንበብ ጀመሩ።

የመጀመሪያው ደብዳቤም አጠቃላይ ይዘት "ለ1ኛ ተከሳሽ መከላከያ ምስክር የሆኑት ተመስገን ደሳለኝና ውብሸት ታዬ (ጋዜጠኞች) በዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት ይገኛሉ። ማረሚያ ቤቱ የትራንስፖርት ችግር ገጥሞታል። ታራሚዎችን ለተለያዩ ጉዳዮች የሚያመላልሰው መኪና ተበላሽቶ ለጥገና ከሄደበት አዲስ አበባ ስላልተመለሰ ሁለቱን ምስክሮች በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ ማቅረብ እንድንችል ከይቅርታ ጋር እንጠይቃለን" የሚል ነው።

2ኛ ደብዳቤ ደግሞ ከአዲስ አበባ ማረሚያ ቤቶች አስተዳደር የተጻፈ ሲሆን ጋዜጠኛ እስክንድር ነጋን የሚመለከት ነበር።

"ለ1ኛ ተከሳሽ በመከላከያ ምስክርነት የተጠቀሰው እስክንድር ነጋ በከባድ ወንጀል የተከሰሰና በሽብርተኝነት የተፈረደበት ሲሆን ከዚህም በተጨማሪ ታስሮ በሚገኝበት ቃሊቲ ታራሚዎችን ለብጥብጥና ለረብሻ እያነሳሳና እያደራጀ ይገኛል። ስለዚህ ወደፍርድ ቤት ይዘነው ብንመጣ ለጥበቃችን፣ ለደህንነታችንና ለፖሊስ እጀባ ሥራ በጣም አደጋን ይፈጥራል። በመሆኑም በእነዚህ ምክንያቶች እስክንድርን ፍርድ ቤት ማምጣት የተቸገርን መሆኑን በማክበር እንገልጻለን" የሚለው የደብዳቤው ይዘት ነው።
[ዳኛው ይህንን ደብዳቤ በቅድሚያ ሲይዩ በአግራሞት ፈገግ ሲሉ ተስተውለዋል]

አቃቤ ሕግ በበኩሉ በዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት በቀረበው ደብዳቤ ላይ ተቃውሞ እንደሌለው፣ ነገር ግን ቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት እስክንድር ነጋ ላይ ላቀረበው ምክንያት ፍርድ ቤቱ የራሱን ውሳኔ ይስጥ ሲል ተናገረ።

ጠበቃ አምሃም በዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት ጉዳይ ላይ ከአቃቤ ሕግ  የተለየ ሀሳብ እንደሌላቸው ጠቅሰው "እስክንድርን ነጋን በተመለከተ የቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት ያቀረበው ምክንያት ለእኛ አሳማኝ አይደለም። ፍርድ ቤቱም መረጃ አለው ብለን አንገምትም።" ብለዋል።

አያይዘውም "እስክንድር አደረገ የተባለው ነገር  በማስረጃ የተደገፈ አይደለም። እስክንደር ለ1ኛ ተከሳሽ የሙያ ምስክር ናቸው። ከዚህ ቀደምም ካሉበት ቃሊቲ የሙያ ምስክር ሆነው ማረሚያ ቤቱ ፍርድ ቤት አቅርቧቸው ነበር። ደንበኛዬም እስክንድር እንዲመሰክርላቸው ሕገ መንግስታዊ መብት አላቸው። በዚህ ሁሉ ምክንያቶች የማረሚያ ቤቱ ምላሽ አጥጋቢና አግባብ አይደለም። በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ ማረሚያ ቤቱ ተገቢውን እጀባ አድርጉ እስክንድር ነጋን እንዲያቀርብልን ይታዘዝልን" ሲሉ ምላሽ ሰጥተዋል - ጠብቃ አምሃ።

አቃቤ ሕግም 2ኛ ተከሳሽ (አምሳሉ ገ/ኪዳን) በችሎት ባለመገኝታቸው ምክንያት ለዋስትና ያስያዙትን (20,000.00 ብር) ለመንግስት ገቢ ሆኖ በፖሊስ ተይዘው እንዲቀርቡ ጠይቆ ነበር።

ጥበቃ አምሃም አምሳሉ ትንናትን ጨምር በስልክ እንደተነጋገሩ በመጥቀስ፣ ከህመሙ የተነሳ ባሉበት ቦታ መንቀስቀስ እንዳልቻሉና በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ የሃኪም ማስረጃ እንደሚያቀርብ በድጋሚ ለችሎቱ አስረድተዋል።

ፍርድ ቤቱም የግራ ቀኙን ክርክር ካደመጠ በኋላ የዝዋይ ማረሚያ ቤት በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ ተመስገን ደሳለኝንና ውብሸት ታዬን እንዲያቀርብ በድጋሚ እንዲታዘዝ፣ የቃሊቲ ማረሚያ ቤት እስክንድር ነጋን አስመልክቶ ያቀረበው ምክንያት በቂና አሳማኝ ባለመሆኑ በቀጣይ ቀጠሮ በቂ የፖሊስ አጃቢ አቅርቦ እንዲያመጣቸውና 2ኛ ተከሳሽም ከቀጠሮ በፊት ማሰረጃቸውን እንዲያቀርቡ፣ ካላቀረቡ ግን በቀጠሮ 24 ሰዓታት በፊት በፖሊስ ተይዘው ከታሰሩ በኋላ በቀጠሮ ቀን እንዲቀርቡ ትእዛዝ ሰጥቷል።

በተጨማሪም በፍቃዱ ሃይሉ፣ ፍጹም ማሞ፣ ፍቃዱ ማህተመወርቅና በሪሁን አዳነ ተጨማሪ መጥሪያ ሳታስፈልጋቸው ከላይ በተጠቀሰው የቀጠሮ ቀን እንዲገኙ በማለት ዳኛው ተናግረዋል።


Saturday, October 15, 2016

Ethiopia Criminalize Watching Esat and OMN, Diplomats Cannot Travel Out Of Addis Abeba Now

Under The State Of Emergency, Diplomats Cannot Travel Out Of Addis Abeba Now
The specifics of the Ethiopian regime’s Command Post State of Emergency state that diplomats cannot travel outside of Addis Abeba, maximum being 40 km radius, without the knowledge of the Command Post. If this ban applied to diplomats, it is possible  that it will also affect tourists who wish to travel outside of the capital.
The declaration contains around 30 articles. It could now be soundly claimed that the Ethiopian Defense Forces, dominated by one ethnic group, has taken over by conducting a negotiated or silent coup. The names of the members of the new Command Post has not been made public but the faces being shown on TV include Siraj Fegessa, Minister of Defense and the Attorney General, Getachew Ambaye and “PM” Hailemariam Dessalegn. These three individuals are being used as PR by a secret team of TPLF military personnel, who form and lead the Command Post.   Some of the main articles include:
- Fifty km inside the borders  of the country have been flagged red zones.
-All major roads leading to regional cities and borders, except to Mekele/Tigray region, have been marked red zones.
- A curfew has been imposed after 6pm and before 6 am on all private and government investments, projects and institutions.
- All political parties are banned from issuing pressers that may contain any sense of incitement.
- Watching listening  or reporting to diaspora based Ethiopian media outlets such as ESAT, OMN  is banned and vaguely called “other radio stations.”
- Communicating with outside groups/forces using social media such as Facebook has been banned.
- Security forces cannot seek resignation or an annual leave during the period of the State of Emergency.
- Terminating or shutting own’s business or service has been banned.
- Demonstrating inside educational institutions is banned.
- Religious leaders are banned from speaking about political issues or current affairs.
To cover and implement the curfew and SoE, the regime’s army will be stretched and this will loosen the border security. The curfew will also cripple businesses, education, and government’s own services.It is difficult to even imagine if this declaration would bring about the intended purposes or rather have unexpected and indirect consequences on national security and economy.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Ethiopian candidate for WHO top job lies in his application

ESAT News (October 14, 2016)
Tedros Adhanom, the Ethiopian top diplomat running for WHO’s Director-General position had claimed in a candidature form submitted to the Organization that English was his mother tongue and rated his proficiency as excellent.
The Ethiopian foreign minister, who was born in Asmara, Eritrea, in 1965, checked the box in the form indicating English was his mother tongue.
It is not clear if Dr. Tedros, one of the six candidates for the post, had negligently filled the forms or he was claiming that English was his first language.
Dr. Tedros also put N/A (not applicable), responding to a question in the form which asks if the candidate has been found guilty of violating any law.
But activists point out the fact that Dr. Tedros is a member of the Tigraian oligarchs accountable to the killings, disappearance and incarceration of thousands of Ethiopians in the last 25 years of reign. He is a Central Committee member of Tigray People’s Liberation Front.
There has been a campaign by Ethiopians everywhere against the candidature of the malaria researcher-turn-top-diplomat, who has been part and parcel of a system that has been inflicting unimaginable sufferings to the Ethiopian people.
“Dr. Adhanom is a member of the inner circle of a ruling party whose leadership style is antithetical to democracy and respect for the rule of law. Lack of free elections in more than two decades, a fact that has been documented by numerous organizations and governments, serves as prima facie evidence of a repressive regime,” said twenty civic and political organizations in a letter to the Chairman of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization (WHO) calling for the rejection of Dr. Tedros Adhanom’s candidacy for the position of the Director General.
He is also accused of misappropriating funds meant for AIDS, TB and malaria research in Ethiopia.
According to the letter in 2010, the Office of Inspector General (OIG), a body commissioned to audit and investigate Countries receiving Funds from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria (GFATM), conducted an audit of Ethiopia and found “misappropriation of funds and use of donor funds for unsound and politically motivated programs.”
“Dr. Adhanom’s record as a member of the ruling party in Ethiopia and specifically his record as Minister of Health does not meet the exceedingly high standards required for a Director General of the WHO,” noted the letter by the twenty Ethiopian civic and political organizations
“It is inconceivable that failure at improving the health outcomes of one country and mismanagement of funds obtained from an organization such as the GFATM should result in one’s candidature for the leading health organization of the world,” the letter said.

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Clash in North Gonder Armachio Left 50 ENDF Dead and 31 Injured

Armed group kills dozens soldiers

An armed opposition group operating in north Gondar has reportedly killed dozens of Ethiopian regime soldiers in a battle on Wednesday night.
A source told ESAT on the phone that the fifth regiment of the army in the area sustained a serious damage as the freedom fighters repulsed a surprise attack by the forces killing at least fifty-five.
Thirty-one others were injured and fifteen have surrendered, the source said. The injured were taken to Soroka Camp.
This was not the first time an armed attack resulted in the death of government soldiers in northern Ethiopia where people have raised arms to fight back a brutal regime.
Two fighters including the leader of the armed group, Abera Gobaw were killed in the fight.
There has been a spike in defections in the Ethiopian army as the rank and file have become subjects to the commanders and top brass officers who hail from the ruling Tigrian minority.
Gondar has seen deadly protests since this summer and security forces killed over a hundred protester who demanded an end to the TPLF rule.

Source: Esat

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

crack down on activists intensified following state of emergency

According to local sources and voice of America.  Police started arresting members  and ex-members of Blue party  on october 8,2016. From Addis Abeba  Awoke Tezera, Abebe Akalu , Blen Mesfin,  Tena Yetayew are Arrested  and From Amhara region, Abebe ayele, Moges Abeje are arrested. Eyasped Tesfaye  who was Dissmesed from party leadership  and Tena Yetayew are held Amiche Police station,  Eyasped has been actively writing up updates about the unrest  in Ethiopia and also have been quoted by some medias.  It has been three days since Eyasped is arrested, he hasn't been brought to court yet. Blen Mesfin  who is also an Ex- member of Blue party is  charged with speaking loud to incite public unrest. Gulele First instance court has given four days to investigate on Blen's case. 

Blue party recently has carried  out the third General assembly. Based on the party's latest Press release, Yeshewas assefa who was recently released from jail as has been elected as  chair man of the party. There are reports that indicate that, the election of the  chairman happened in the absence of one third of the General Assembly.

The Ethiopian government has declared state of emergency on an urgent meeting the prime Minster cabinet conducted on october 8, 2016.  It will last for 6 month and  command post has been established, Attorney General Ato Getachew Amabye outlining state of emergency, it is prohibited to Distribute writings that incite violence (articles critical of the regime), to show hand protest signs and protest, the authority can arrest and search house without court order, also can close any form of media.

The Ethiopian government has promised to change the electoral system as a solution to give space for the opposition. critics say, technocratic fixes wont solve the mess the country is in. The regime must step down and a transitional government must be formed.  Ethiopia conducted the 5th round General election in May 2015, the ruling party and it allies  claimed wining 100 percent of the parliamentary seats. Experts add that, the government decision to change the electoral system is admitting the last election wasn't free and fair.

In related development, Eyob Kebede member of AEPO Party is arrested and Nigisti Yirga who has become face of Amhara resistance has appeared in court on Oct 14 for the second time, she was held in the torture chamber Maekelawi.

Photograph: internet 

Eyaseped Tesfaye: Photograph: Facebook

Correction: It was repored on october 11, 2016 that Yeleqal Getenet(Former Chair man of Blue party), Seleshi Feyisa (vice chairman of blue party ), Woyinshet Molla, Woretaw Wase, are arrested too. Thats wrong 

Crack down continues: Oppostion party members and ex-member are getting arrested

According to local sources and voice of America.  Police started arresting members  and ex-members of Blue party  on october 8,2016. From Addis Abeba  Awoke Tezera, Abebe Akalu , Blen Mesfin,  Tena Yetayew are Arrested  and From Amhara region, Abebe ayele, Moges Abeje are arrested. Eyasped Tesfaye  who was Dissmesed from party leadership  and Tena Yetayew are held Amiche Police station,  Eyasped has been actively writing up updates about the unrest  in Ethiopia and also have been quoted by some medias.  It has been three days since Eyasped is arrested, he hasn't been brought to court yet. Blen Mesfin  who is also an Ex- member of Blue party is  charged with speaking loud to incite public unrest. Gulele First instance court has given four days to investigate on Blen's case. 

Blue party recently has carried  out the third General assembly. Based on the party's latest Press release, Yeshewas assefa who was recently released from jail as has been elected as  chair man of the party. There are reports that indicate that, the election of the  chairman happened in the absence of one third of the General Assembly.

The Ethiopian government has declared state of emergency on an urgent meeting the prime Minster cabinet conducted on october 8, 2016.  It will last for 6 month and  command post has been established, Attorney General Ato Getachew Amabye outlining state of emergency, it is prohibited to Distribute writings that incite violence (articles critical of the regime), to show hand protest signs and protest, the authority can arrest and search house without court order, also can close any form of media.

The Ethiopian government has promised to change the electoral system as a solution to give space for the opposition. critics say, technocratic fixes wont solve the mess the country is in. The regime must step down and a transitional government must be formed.  Ethiopia conducted the 5th round General election in May 2015, the ruling party and it allies  claimed wining 100 percent of the parliamentary seats. Experts add that, the government decision to change the electoral system is admitting the last election wasn't free and fair.

In related development, Eyob Kebede member of AEPO Party is arrested and Nigisti Yirga who has become face of Amhara resistance has appeared in court on Oct 14 for the second time, she was held in the torture chamber Maekelawi.

Photograph: internet 

Eyaseped Tesfaye: Photograph: Facebook

Correction: It was repored on october 11, 2016 that Yeleqal Getenet(Former Chair man of Blue party), Seleshi Feyisa (vice chairman of blue party ), Woyinshet Molla, Woretaw Wase, are arrested too. Thats wrong 

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Ethiopia Declared state of emergency for the first time in 25 years amid security deterioration in oromia state

By abenezer_a

Addis fortune reported that The Ethiopian government declared state of emergency amid security deterioration in the oromia state. It was declared on an urgent meeting the prime minster cabinet conducted on Saturday afternoon.This is the first time in 25 years declared state of emergency  According to the article 93 of the constitution.    "In the exercise of its emergency powers the Council of Ministers can not, however, suspend or limit the rights provided for in Articles 1, 18, 25, and sub-Articles 1 and 2 of Article 39 of this Constitution.  " "The state of emergecy will last for 6 months or could be shorted"  a senior government official told Addis fortune

Security forces have killed more than 500 people during protests over the course of the last year as though the country is in state of emergency. With in one day, on October 2, 678 people were killed on ireecha celebration according to Oromo Federalist congress, the government lower the number to 55. UN human right council has multiple times  called for independent investigation but Ethiopian government has been declining requests. More killings  and arrests are expected in the coming days. State of emergency is already on effect as of saturday evening oct 8, 2016.

Ethiopia declares state of emergency

By Elias Meseret |
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia — The Ethiopian government has declared a state of emergency effective immediately following a week of anti-government violence that resulted in deaths and property damage across the country, especially in the restive Oromia region.

“The Council of Ministers has declared a state of emergency that will be effective as of Saturday evening so as to deal with anti-peace elements that have allied with foreign forces and are jeopardizing the peace and security of the country,” the state Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation announced Sunday morning.

It added that that the Council of Ministers discussed the damage by the protests across the country and declared the state of emergency in a message delivered to Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn.


Sunday, October 2, 2016

More than 500 killed in Bishoftu at Ireechaa Celebration: an attack on Oromummaa

By abenezer_a

At least  More than 500 people have died after government security forces used tear gas and live bullets to disperse a crowd that resulted in a stampede. Several reports indicates that shots were being fired from Helicopters. According to Oromia media Network Executive Director, All 175 of the casualties transported to Addis Ababa were killed by live bullets and about  325 fell in to deep ditch blinded by tear gas.

Ireecha is an annual Thanksgiving day observed in October marking the end of rainy season and beginning of  Spring. Based on  2015 celebration stat, 4 million people have come to Bishoftu to celebrate. Every year at the celebration, Arrests and assaults by the  Ethiopian regime security apparatus is a common scene  but the year's celebration unfolded a tragedy that would go as dark day in history. 

Hundreds of Bodies were littered in tents and  Hospitals.  Medics were appealing for help due to the high number of victims who need medical treatment.  Bishoftu Hospital remain crowed and still is with  wounded civilians who survived the state violence.

The protest started early in the morning as attendees were arriving at the Hora , the youth was chanting different revolutionary slogans from the start.  Later  a big crowd was formed infront of the stage where the Elders and Aba Gadas make a speech. The stage  was  filled with Pro-gov speakers and that  angered the people gathered for the celebration, who has been witnessing the brutality of the regime for the past 25 years. Thereafter, the crowd started booing the speakers and  started calling out  the regime to step down crossing the arms above thier head, a protest sign first introduced by the Ethiopian Muslim movement and later popularized by Feyisa Lelisa. Subsequently, security forces started aerial strike by live bullet and tear gas to disburse the gathering. Many Fell to the deep Ditch and others died by bullet.

Merera Gudina, chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, said that at least 100 had died and that the problems started because the government packed the podium with its own speakers, angering the crowd.
“The government tried to control it, tried to take over the show,” he said. “This goes down as one of the darkest days in modern Oromo history where the government is shooting live bullets and tear gas, leading to such chaos.”

There is an Evidence that suggests that, the mass killing was planned ahead. Government Soldier pose with his face covered.

Another video shows Special Forces firing tear  gas and bullets from Helicopter and  the crowd running to save their lives.

The Ethiopian government has declared a three day national mourning, Prime minister hailemariam Desalegn appeared on national Tv described the protesters as destabilizing  forces and unashamedly  denied security forces usage of live ammunition on unarmed protesters

Eleven months has passed since the Oromo Protest started that spread to Amhara region after months of protest in oromia region. The government claims to have made some reformation. However  Protesters aren't  demanding for a mere technocratic fix  but the current regime  to step down and a new government to be formed

The massacre that left hundrers dead today in Bishoftu has triggred a protest in Arsi, after a month of calmness another wave of fresh protest is also expected to spread across oromia region  in the comming days. It can be recalled that more than hundred protesters were killed in Aug 2016

More than 500 killed in Bishoftu at Ireechaa Celebration: an attack on Oromummaa

By abenezer_a

At least  More than 500 people have died after government security forces used tear gas and live bullets to disperse a crowd that resulted in a stampede. Several reports indicates that shots were being fired from Helicopters. According to Oromia media Network Executive Director, All 175 of the casualties transported to Addis Ababa were killed by live bullets and about  325 fell in to deep ditch blinded by tear gas.

Ireecha is an annual Thanksgiving day observed in October marking the end of rainy season and beginning of  Spring. Based on  2015 celebration stat, 4 million people have come to Bishoftu to celebrate. Every year at the celebration, Arrests and assaults by the  Ethiopian regime security apparatus is a common scene  but the year's celebration unfolded a tragedy that would go as dark day in history. 

Hundreds of Bodies were littered in tents and  Hospitals.  Medics were appealing for help due to the high number of victims who need medical treatment.  Bishoftu Hospital remain crowed and still is with  wounded civilians who survived the state violence.

The protest started early in the morning as attendees were arriving at the Hora , the youth was chanting different revolutionary slogans from the start.  Later  a big crowd was formed infront of the stage where the Elders and Aba Gadas make a speech. The stage  was  filled with Pro-gov speakers and that  angered the people gathered for the celebration, who has been witnessing the brutality of the regime for the past 25 years. Thereafter, the crowd started booing the speakers and  started calling out  the regime to step down crossing the arms above thier head, a protest sign first introduced by the Ethiopian Muslim movement and later popularized by Feyisa Lelisa. Subsequently, security forces started aerial strike by live bullet and tear gas to disburse the gathering. Many Fell to the deep Ditch and others died by bullet.

Merera Gudina, chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress, said that at least 100 had died and that the problems started because the government packed the podium with its own speakers, angering the crowd.
“The government tried to control it, tried to take over the show,” he said. “This goes down as one of the darkest days in modern Oromo history where the government is shooting live bullets and tear gas, leading to such chaos.”

There is an Evidence that suggests that, the mass killing was planned ahead. Government Soldier pose with his face covered.

Another video shows Special Forces firing tear  gas and bullets from Helicopter and  the crowd running to save their lives.

The Ethiopian government has declared a three day national mourning, Prime minister hailemariam Desalegn appeared on national Tv described the protesters as destabilizing  forces and unashamedly  denied security forces usage of live ammunition on unarmed protesters

Eleven months has passed since the Oromo Protest started that spread to Amhara region after months of protest in oromia region. The government claims to have made some reformation. However  Protesters aren't  demanding for a mere technocratic fix  but the current regime  to step down and a new government to be formed

The massacre that left hundrers dead today in Bishoftu has triggred a protest in Arsi, after a month of calmness another wave of fresh protest is also expected to spread across oromia region  in the comming days. It can be recalled that more than hundred protesters were killed in Aug 2016

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Ethiopia Human Rights Abuses Spark U.S. Congressional Action

 by J. David Thompson
U.S. Representatives push for legislation targeting Ethiopia after Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch document human rights abuses.

A bipartisan group of U.S. Representatives has proposed legislation targeted at the government of Ethiopia, after Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch documented hundreds of cases of alleged human rights abuses. House Resolution 861, titled “Supporting respect for human rights and encouraging inclusive governance in Ethiopia,” was introduced by Reps. Chris Smith (R-NJ), Keith Ellison (D-MN), Al Green (D-TX), Mike Coffman (R-CO), and Eliot Engel (D-NY).

“It is an abomination when any country tortures its own citizens,” said Rep. Smith, at a September 13th press conference on Capitol Hill. The human rights abuses, waged primarily against the Oromo and Amhara populations, have come to light despite Ethiopian authorities efforts preventing independent screeners from conducting transparent investigations.

The Resolution condemns the killing of peaceful protesters, the arrest and detention of students, journalists, and political leaders, and the stifling of political dissent under the guise of “counterterrorism.”

Ethiopia is a strategic ally of the United States. The country headquarters the 54 nation African Union, and, critical to U.S. interests, assists in counterterrorism efforts against al-Shabab, an Al-Qaeda aligned jihadi terrorist group based in Somalia. Ethiopia is also host to a staggering 750,000 refugees from the war torn region.

image ethiopia

In a press statement Rep. Ellison said, “While Ethiopia is an important ally for the United States, continuing to let the Ethiopian government oppress its own people will only further destabilize the region. We must do all we can to ensure that the human rights of all Ethiopians are respected.” Rep. Smith added, “A valuable contributor to global peacekeeping missions, growing unrest in Ethiopia in reaction to human rights violations by the government threaten to destabilize a nation counted on to continue its role on the international scene”.

Resolutions, like the one proposed, tend to be more of an opinion that often do little in themselves because they lack the political leverage to prompt much action. They often fail to hold allied nations to a standard of conduct, as countries and international organizations are hesitant to regulate how other nations behave within their own borders.

The bill expressly calls on the government of Ethiopia to end the use of excessive force by security forces; hold security forces accountable after a full, credible, transparent investigation; release dissidents, activists, and journalists who have been imprisoned for exercising constitutional rights; respect freedom of assembly and freedom of the press; engage with citizens on development; allow the United Nations to conduct independent examinations; repeal certain proclamations limiting inclusive growth; and investigate shootings and a fire on September 3, that killed 23 people at a prison housing high-profile politicians.

Noteworthy, is that the bill also seeks to apply financial and other pressure towards the government, by calling for the Secretary of State to “conduct a review of security assistance to Ethiopia” and “improve transparency” with respect to such assistance, and to “improve oversight and accountability of United States assistance to Ethiopia”.

Image Ethiopia protest
Despite the good intention of the bill, critics highlight that it doesn’t go far enough. Henok Gabisa, a visiting Academic Fellow and faculty member at Washington and Lee University School of Law, stated in a personal interview:

“H.RES.861 is generally a good gesture from the United States Congress. It is very specific in a sense that it points out the consistent and constant patterns of corrosion of civil and economic liberties in the country. It also seems to give scrupulous attention to the marginalized groups who remain on the receiving end of the pain. That is really great. Nonetheless, owing to the mammoth financial aid transported to Ethiopian government by the U.S. under their bilateral security partnership, H. RES. 861 failed to deploy the political leverage of the [United States Government], and as a result it is nowhere nearer to fulfilling the goal it promises. In fact, Resolutions by merit are just declaratory statements or positions of a government. They may not be considered law in a positivist school of law. Yet again, H.RES.861 has no teeth to bite those who fail to comply the soft obligations it enumerated under the last sections 3-6.”

Experts give the bill a 32% chance of getting past the Foreign Affairs Committee and a 29% chance of being agreed to completely. Comparatively, from 2013-2015, 46% of simple resolutions made it past committee.

In a country of over 86 million, Oromos and Amharas constitute the two largest ethnic groups, combining for over 61% of the population. Yet, they are the most politically marginalized and economically disenfranchised. In 2015 Ethiopia’s ruling party, the Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front, won every seat in parliament despite little ethnic diversity. The EPRDF has remained in power since the overthrow of Ethiopia’s military government in 1991.

Lima Charlie News, by J. David Thompson

J David Thompson (US Army) is a Juris Doctor candidate at Washington & Lee University School of Law focusing on International Human Rights Law. He is a Veterans in Global Leadership Fellow, and brings experience on human rights, international relations, strengthening civil society, refugee issues, interagency collaboration, and countering violent extremism. Prior to Washington & Lee, he served in the US Army as a Military Police officer and Special Operations Civil Affairs with multiple deployments to Afghanistan and one to Jordan—receiving a Bronze Star amongst other decorations. In Jordan, David worked at the US Embassy in countering violent extremism, strengthening civil society, and refugee response with other United States Government organizations, the United Nations, and various non-governmental organizations.

New wave of crackdown: Blogger Seyoum Teshome arrested

By abenezer_a

While Zone9 Bloggers are still defending their appeal, Blogger Eskinder Nega and Zelalem workagnehu are serving 17 years and 5 years in prison respectively. Today,another independent blogger and social media activists has been taken away by security Forces. Multiple social media Reports indicate that  Seyoum Teshome  has been taken away by security forces. He is a Lecturer at Ambo University Woliso Campus and head of Management Department and studied Management at Harameya University and MBA at Mekelle University. He writes on Pro government blog (Horn affairs)  and on his own blog (EthioThinkthank)

picture taken from his facebook 
Seyoum is a longtime social media activist on online platform, he has been closely following the developments in the country every since #OromoProtest erupted. social media platforms hasnt been safe place to express opinion freely especially since the arrest of Zone9 bloggers.  it can be also be recalled  that Journalist Getachew shiferaw  and online activist Yonathan Tesfaye  were arrested in December 2015  who later charged with terrorism accused of inciting violence through social media. They still remain in Jail despite pressure from the international community. Woliso town where Seyoum teaches  has been the epicenter of #OromoProtest  in December 2015. Seyoum  has been reporting and sharing his critical reflection on social media thus far. His comments has appeared on international medias such Newyork times and the guardian . Several times,He has been interviewed by diaspora based news outlets that focus on Ethiopia.

#OromoProtest Riot in Waliso

“My attempts to reach him via his phone ended unsuccessfully,” said Befeqadu.  Seyoum Teshome has been among the critical voice on social media.  The Ethiopian government has  intensified its crack down on critical voices using the infamous anti terrorism law. Online activists have been constantly blamed  by the government for the ongoing anti-government protests across the country.  It can be recalled that, On June 7, 2016, To intensify crack down on online activists the rubber stamp parliament has approved a new computer proclamation . Ethiopia is now carrying out a new wave crackdown. Yesterday Daughter of  Bekele Gerba, Bontu Gerba was detained and released after security forces took 1000 copies of an upcoming book written by her father.

According to Girma Guterma (a social media activitst) his house has been searched and belongings has been confiscated. Seyoum's Whereabout is still Unkown. a recently released blogger pointed that due to the house search, its unlikely that he is simply detained for a shortwhile. he could be in makelawi where dissents are tortured

Ethiopia remain  a hostile place for critical voices, despite calls from the united states and other affluent nations  to give spaces  and amend the anti-Terrorism law, the Ethiopian government has continued to muzzle Freedom of expression. Following the adoption of the anti-terrorism law and charity and society law. several civil society organizations have been closed and many journalists have been forced live in exile. Due to the absence of independent medias,social media has emerged to be the only platform to vent dissatisfaction and a platform to give a coverage about the ongoing political and Human right crisis in Ethiopia. Internet blockout had happened several times on the continuing struggle for Freedom mainly in Oromia and Amhara regions to limit the flow of information coming out from Ethiopia.  The lawless state has made it tough for journalists from other countries to report, many Foreign News correspondents have been detained and released in the past few months only.  On a recent Visit to Newyork, Prime minister hailemariam Desalegn addressing the UN Underscored that  “Social media has certainly empowered populists and other extremists to exploit people’s genuine concerns and spread their message of hate and bigotry without any inhibition.”  The prime minster is known for his odd and logically flawed comment about bloggers, activists  and the political crisis in general.

Predictably, Pro government voices defended seyoum's arrest Interpreting his critical reflections as hate speech, Old and tired tactic used by Ethiopian government to silences Journalists, bloggers critical of the regime. 

Ethiopia is ranked 142 in press freedom index, it remain not free based on the latest report of freedom house. According  to CPJ, Ethiopia has the second highest number of jailed Journalists in Africa after Eritrea.  For the past 6 years, since 2010, 60 Ethiopian journalists have fled into exile, together with the 30 in 2014 alone, according to Human right watch. Bloggers,journalists and any independent voices face serious harassment and threat of prosecution under the 2009 Anti- Terrorism law proclamation.

New wave of crack down: Blogger Seyoum Teshome arrested

By Ethiopian press

While Zone9 Bloggers are still defending their appeal, Blogger Eskinder Nega and Zelalem workagnehu are serving 17 years and 5 years in prison respectively. Today,another independent blogger and social media activists has been taken away by security Forces. Multiple social media Reports indicate that  Seyoum Teshome  has been taken away by security forces. He is a Lecturer at Ambo University Woliso Campus and head of Management Department and studied Management at Harameya University and MBA at Mekelle University. He writes on Pro government blog (Horn affairs)  and on his own blog (EthioThinkthank)

picture taken from his facebook 
Seyoum is a longtime social media activist on online platform, he has been closely following the developments in the country every since #OromoProtest erupted. social media platforms hasnt been safe place to express opinion freely especially since the arrest of Zone9 bloggers.  it can be also be recalled  that Journalist Getachew shiferaw  and online activist Yonathan Tesfaye  were arrested in December 2015  who later charged with terrorism accused of inciting violence through social media. They still remain in Jail despite pressure from the international community. Woliso campus  where Seyoum teaches  has been the epicenter of #OromoProtest  in December 2015. Seyoum  has been reporting and sharing his critical reflection on social media thus far. His comments has appeared on international medias such Newyork times and the guardian . Several times,He has been interviewed by diaspora based news outlets that focus on Ethiopia.

#OromoProtest Riot in Waliso

“My attempts to reach him via his phone ended unsuccessfully,” said Befeqadu.  Seyoum Teshome has been among the critical voice on social media.  The Ethiopian government has  intensified its crack down on critical voices using the infamous anti terrorism law. Online activists have been constantly blamed  by the government for the ongoing anti-government protests across the country.  It can be recalled that On June 7, 2016, To intensify crack down on online activists the rubber stamp parliament has approved a new computer proclamation . Ethiopia is now carrying out a new wave crackdown. Yesterday Daughter of  Bekele Gerba Bontu Gerba was detained and released after security forces took 1000 copies of an upcoming book written by her father.

According to Girma Guterma (a social media activitst) his house has been searched and belongings has been confiscated. Seyoum's Whereabout is still Unkown. a recently released blogger pointed that due to the house search, its unlikely that he is simply detained for a shortwhile. he could be in makelawi where dissents are tortured

Ethiopia remain  a hostile place for critical voices, despite calls from the united states and other affluent nations  to give spaces  and amend the anti-Terrorism law, the Ethiopian government has continued to muzzle Freedom of expression. Following the adoption of the anti-terrorism law and charity and society law. several civil society organizations have been closed and many journalists have been forced live in exile. Due to the absence of independent medias,social media has emerged to be the only platform to vent dissatisfaction and a platform to give a coverage about the ongoing political and Human right crisis in Ethiopia. Internet blockout had happened several times on the continuing struggle for Freedom mainly in Oromia and Amhara regions to limit the flow of information coming out from Ethiopia.  The lawless state has made it tough for journalists from other countries to report, many Foreign News correspondents have been detained and released in the past few months only.  On a recent Visit to Newyork, Prime minister hailemariam Desalegn addressing the UN Underscored that  “Social media has certainly empowered populists and other extremists to exploit people’s genuine concerns and spread their message of hate and bigotry without any inhibition.”  The prime minster is known for his odd and logically flawed comment about bloggers, activists  and the political crisis in general.

Predictably, Pro government voice Seyoum's defended seyoum's arrest Interpreting his critical reflections as hate speech.  A long and tired tactic used by Ethiopian government to silences Journalists, bloggers critical of the regime. 

Ethiopia  is ranked 142 in  press freedom index, It remains not Free based on the latest report of Freedom house.  According to the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), Ethiopia had the second-highest number of jailed journalists in Africa after Eritrea. As per Human Rights Watch, since 2010, 60 Ethiopian journalists have "fled into exile, including 30 in 2014 alone. Bloggers, Journalists and social media activists reporting on opposition activities face  harassment and prosecution under Ethiopia’s sweeping 2009 Anti-terrorism Proclamation.