Saturday, November 19, 2016

Somalia: Ethiopian Soldiers Killed in Bomb Attack Near Kismayo

At least three Ethiopian soldiers serving with the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) have been killed in a bomb attack occurred near Kismayo city in southern Somalia on Saturday.

According to local sources, the AMISOM soldiers were killed after their military convoy came under a remotely detonated land mine attack at Bulu-Gadud village, some 35Km northeast of Kismayo city.

After the IED bomb attack, the AU troops retreated back to their bases in Kismayo, sources added. There was no immediate confirmation from the AMISOM about Today's attack

On Friday, AMISOM force spokesperson Joe Kibet said Au forces alongside the Somali National Army (SNA), killed six Al-Shabaab militants in the same area in Lower Jubba region.

Mr Kibet said that there were no casualties on their side in Friday's operation.


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Journalist Abdi Gada is found in Adama prison/Abdii Gadaa mana hidhaatti argame

Abdi Gada was arrested and imprisoned in Adama, Ethiopia. He was kidnapped by Ethiopian security forces last week on November 9, 2016 and nobody knew his whereabouts for a week. Our anonymous sources told us that Journalist Abdi Gada is imprisoned with Ifa Gamachis- a member of the Oromo Federalist Congress Political Party and others. A lot of people are also imprisoned. Our source said, “Abdi was not in Adama for more than a week. The Ethiopian government security forces took him somewhere out of Adama and after that they brought him to Adama jail.” 


Gazeexeessaan Oromoo kan TV OBS- Broadcast Service Television keessatti aadaa, afaan, aartiifi seenaa Oromoo keessatti sagantaalee babbareedoo hojjachuun beekamtii biyya keessaafi alattille horate Abdii Gadaa mana hidhaa magaalaa Adaamaa keessatti iyyaateen argamuusaa maddeen keenna nutti himaneeran. Gazeexeessaan kun, gaafa guyyaa 09.11. 2016 magaalaa Adaamaa keessatti akkuma hujii baheen ukkaamfamee achi buuteen isaa kan dhabame yoo ta’u, akkuma maatiin, hiriyoonniifi waahiloonni isaa “Abdiin mootummaan butamee hidhamuu hin ooluu”  jedhanii shakkanitti, Abdiin harka mootummaa mana hidhaa Adaamaa keessatti argameera. Abdii torbaan tokkoof eessaa akka geessanee gara Adaamaatti akka deebisan, wanti beekame hin jiru jedhameera. Miseensi Paartii Kongireensii Federaalawa Oromoo ka ta’e, Ifaa Gammachiis namni jedhamulle bakka Abdiin itti hidhamee jirutti  hidhamee jira. Kanneen eenyummaan isaan hin baramin Oromoonni kumaatamoonnille hidhuma jiranii, hihamaalle jiran. Source:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Ethiopian MP Addise zeleke member of ANDM found dead in her office

በደቡብ ኦሞ ዞን የፖለቲካ ድርጅት መሪዎች ታሰሩ

በኮማንድ ፖስት ስም የደቡብ ኦሞን ዞን የሚመሩት የህወሃት የደህንነት ሰራተኞች፣ የተለያዩ የፖለቲካ ድርጅት መሪዎችንና ወጣቶችን እየያዙ በማሰር ላይ ናቸው። የኦሞ ህዝብ ዲሞክራሲ ህብረት ም/ሊቀመንበርና የዞኑ ተጠሪ መምህር አለማየሁ፣ የቀድሞው የአንድነት ፓርቲ የዞን ተጠሪ የነበሩት አቶ ስለሺ ጌታቸው እንዲሁም የኦሞ ህዝብ ስራ አስፈጻሚ አባል አቶ ዳዊት ካብት ይመር ትናናት ከንጋቱ 12 ሰአት ላይ በ15 ታጣቂዎች ታጅበው እስር ቤት ተወስደዋል። ዛሬም ሌላ አንድ የድርጅቱ አባል ተወስዶ ታስሯል።
እነ አቶ አለማየሁ እስካሁን ፍርድ ቤት አልመቅረባቸውን የኦህዲህ ሊቀመንበር አቶ ግርማ በቀለ ገልጸዋል። ከፖለቲካ ድርጅት መሪዎች በተጨማሪ በርካታ ቁጥር ያላቸው ወጣቶች በመታሰራቸው የዋና ከተማዋ ጅንካ እስር ቤት በአሰረኞች ተጨናንቋል።
አመራሮች “ አዋጁ እርምጃ እንድትወስዱ መብት ሰጥቷችሁዋል እና እስረኛ እያመጣችሁ እስር ቤት ከምታጨናንቁ እርምጃ ለምን አትወስዱም” እያሉ በአካባቢው ፖሊሶችና የልዩ ሃይል አባላት ለተዋቀረው የወታደራዊ እዙ አባላት መመሪያ እየሰጡ ቢሆንም፣ የእዙ አባላት ግን “ ጥፋታቸውን ባልተረዳንበት ሁኔታ ነገ አብረነው ከምንኖረው ህዝብ ጋር መጋጨት አንፈልግም፣ እርምጃም አንወስድም” የሚል መልስ የሰጡ ሲሆን፣ እስርቤቶች መጣበባቸውን ተከትሎ የተወሰኑ ወጣቶች በዋስ እንዲፈቱ ሲደረግ ሌሎች ወደ ውሀኒ ተልከዋል። በዞኑ የመንግሥት አመራር የነበሩና አሁንም በሥልጣን ላይ ያሉ የሃመር ተወላጆች እየታሰሩና እየታደኑ መሆኑም ታውቋል።
የቀድሞው የሃመር ወረዳ አስተዳዳሪ በቀጣይም የዞን ም/አስተዳዳሪ የነበሩት  አቶ በእምነት፣  አቶ ዲለማ ጎዴ፣ እንዲሁም የሃመር ወረዳ ፖሊስ አዛዥ በእስር ላይ የሚገኙ ሲሆን፣  የቀድሞው የተወካዮች ም/ቤት አባል የነበሩት አቶ ሣሙኤል ገርሾም እየተፈለጉ ነው፡፡ አገዛዙ እየወሰደው ያለው እርምጃ  ከሃመርና በና ወጣቶች የተቃውሞ እንቅስቃሴ ጋር የተገናኘ  እንጂ ሰዎቹ ወንጀል አልፈጸሙም በሚል በጂንካ ከተማ ትምህርታቸውን የሚከታተሉ የሃመር ወጣቶች እርምጃውን ተቃውመውታል።በዚህም የተነሳ በከተማው ውጥረት መንገሱን ምንጮች ገልጸዋል።
ከአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጁ በኋላ በበና ጸማይና ሃመር ወረዳዎች የወጣቶች ተቃውሞ እንቅስቃሴ ተጠናክሮ የቀጠለ ሲሆን፣  አንድ ፖሊስ ተገድሎ፣ ሁለት ፖሊሶች ደግሞ ቆስለዋል፡፡ የጂንካ ሳላማጎ መደበኛ መንገድ መዘጋቱም ታውቋል። በእንግሊዝኛ ኮማንድ ፖስት እየተባለ የሚጠራው ወታደራዊ ማዘኛ ጣቢያ  አመራር የሚሰጠው በተለያዩ የሃላፊነት ቦታዎች ላይ በተቀመጡ የህወሃት አባላት መሆኑ የዞኑን ተወላጆች እጅጉ ማስቆጣቱን የአካባቢው ነዋሪዎች ይገልጻሉ።

Journalist Abdi Gada Went missing in Adama last Wednesday, belived to be kidnapped Ethiopia Authorities

An Oromo, Ethiopian journalist is missing in Adama. OBS-Oromia Broadcast Service Television journalist Abdi Gada went missing in Adama, Ethiopia last Wednesday. His whereabouts is not known yet. His family, friends and colleagues have been looking for him in all areas of detainees and prisoners including Ma’ikelawi, and Zeway (Batu). Many of his family, friends and colleagues believe that Journalist Abdi Gada was kidnapped by Ethiopian security forces because thousands of Oromo people are missing and have been arrested in Ethiopia. Journalist Abdi Gada was one among 20 Oromo (Ethiopian) journalists who were dismissed from the Oromia Radio and Television Organization in 2014, in a single day.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gaazeexeessaan  TV OBS-Oromia Broadcast Service, Abdi Gadaa Roobii darbite Adaamatti hojii dhaquuf akka manaa bahetti achi buuteen isaa dhabameera.  Gaazexeessaan kun, bara 2014 keessa gaazexeessitoota Oromoo 17 dhaabbata Raadiyoo fi TV Oromiyaa keessaa sababa tokko malee ari’aman keessaa tokko akka ta’eefi, saaniin booda TV OBS keessa kan hojjataa jiruudha.

Namoonni itti dhiheennaan gaazexeessaa Abdii Gadaa beekanu akka jedhanitti, “haaluma yeroo ammaa Oromoo irratti raawwamaa jirutti isarrattille raawwatame jennee shakkina malee, Abdiin waan balleesseefi yakki inni hojjate hin jiruu; diina biraa itti shakkinulle hin qabnu” jechuun himan. Gabaasa guutuuf oduu OMN 14.11.2016 caqasaa.


Friday, November 11, 2016

Ethiopia Arrested 11,607 individuals after state of emergency is declared

State of Emergency Inquiry Board publicizes names of detainees

(EBC; November 11, 2016) - The State of Emergency Inquiry Board made public on Friday the names of individuals detained under the state of emergency.

Some 11,607 individuals have so far been detained in six prisons, of which 347 are female, in connection with the state of emergency declared in the county, Board Chairperson, Taddesse Hordofa said.

The Chairperson told the press that the prisoners are kept in detention centers in Awash, Tolay, Ziway, Dilla, Yirgalem, Bahir dar and Addis Ababa, he added.

The Chairperson stressed the individuals were arrested because they were engaged in one or more of the activities prohibited by the state of emergency.

These include inciting and contributing to violence, denying provision of public services, threatening the public, disrupting movement of vehicles, and causing damage to private and public properties, among others.

Attacking security forces using firearms, killing civilians and members of security forces, providing shelter to those who commit illegal activities and leading violence are also among the activities the detainees were arrested for.

The Chairperson said that list of the detainees will be posted at zonal and woreda levels through the regional state where the prison centers exist.

The Inquiry Board has responsibility to make public names of individuals arrested in connection to the emergency law together with the reason for their arrest within one month.

It also has power to make sure that no measures taken during the emergency period are inhumane, and when such acts are committed bring those responsible to justice.


Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Teachers, students strike defying martial law

ESAT News (November 9, 2016)
Teachers and students in Mota, East Gojam in the northern Ethiopia went on strike defying the six month state of emergency declared in October.
The strike came after a teacher by the name Solomon was detained by authorities. The authorities accused  Solomon of encouraging teachers and students to protest against the regime.
Tensions were high in the town as authorities threaten to take action against teachers and students if they don’t resume classes immediately.
Meanwhile, 70 people were arrested in the last few days in Finote Selam accused of what security forces say coordinating protests against the regime.  
In Amba Giorgis, Soldiers and the police detained 74 youth.
The state of emergency, declared by the tyrannical regime after a year long protest against the oligarchy, gives power to security forces to arrest anyone without a court warrant.
Up to 1500 people were killed and 60,000 detained since the protest began a year ago against the minority oligarchy in Ethiopia, according alocal opposition political party.

Ethiopia: Dozens killed in skirmish between regime forces and freedom fighters

ESAT News (November 9, 2016)
A skirmish between regime forces and freedom fighters in northern Ethiopian continued for the second day on Thursday. Regime forces used local farmers to do the fighting for them resulting in the death of about 40, the freedom fighters claim.
Sources said the skirmish in Wogera, in a place called Ankash, has also resulted in the death of 2 from the freedom fighters side.
Residents of Wogera meanwhile said the death toll on the side of the regime forces could be 30. Other sources in Gondar say bodies of regime soldiers have reached the town on Thursday.
Local authorities say two fighters have surrendered to the regime forces while 2 other “terrorists” were killed.
There have been several reports of gunbattle between regime soldiers and armed resistance groups in northern Ethiopia. The Ethiopian regime continues to deny and belittle the attack by armed groups in that region who have claimed to have killed several soldiers of the regime.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

በአዲስ አበባ ሁለት ግብጻውያን በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸው ተገለጸ

ኢሳት (ጥቅምት 29 ፥ 2009)
መቀመጫቸውን በአዲስ አበባ ያደርጉ ሁለት ግብጻውያን ባልታወቀ ምክንያት ከቀናት በፊት በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸው ተገለጸ።
በጸጥታ ሃይሎች ለእስር ከተዳረጉት ሁለት ግብጻውያን መካከል አንደኛው ካዛንቺስ ተብሎ በሚጠራው አካባቢ የሚገኘው የራዲሰን ብሉ ሆቴል ረዳት ዋና ስራ አስፈጻሚ መሆናቸውን በሃገር ውስጥ የሚታተሙ ጋዜጦች ዘግበዋል።
ከአራት አመት በፊት ግብፅ ከሚገኘው ተመሳሳይ ሆቴል ወደ ኢትዮጵያ ተዛውረዋል የተባሉ ታሃ-ማንሱር በስራ ላይ እያሉ በመንግስት የጸጥታ ሃይሎች በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸውን ሳምንታዊ ካፒታል ጋዜጣ አስነብቧል።
ሁለተኛው ግብጻዊ ግን የሚሰራበት ድርጅትም ሆነ ማንነቱ ያልታወቀ ሲሆን፣ የፌዴራል ጠቅላይ አቃቤ ህግ በቀጣዩ ቀናቶችን ዝርዝር መረጃን ለመስጠት እንደሚጠበቅ ለመረዳት ተችሏል።
ይሁንና በአዲስ አበባ የሚገኘው የግብፅ ኤምባሲ በጉዳዩ ዙሪያ ምናሽን ከመስጠት ተቆጥቧል።
የኢትዮጵያ መንግስት ለአንድ አመት ያህል ጊዜ በኦሮሚያ ክልል ሲካሄድ ከቆየው ህዝባዊ ተቃውሞ ጋር በተገናኘ ግብፅ አስተዋጽዖ አድርጋለች ሲል ቅሬታን ማቅረቡ ይታወሳል።
የግብፅ ባለስልጣናት በበኩላቸው ሃገራቸው በውጭ ሃገር ጉዳይ ጣልቃ አልገባችም በማለት ያቀረበችውን ቅሬታ አስተባብለዋል።
ሁለቱ በቁጥጥር ስር የዋሉት ግብጻውያን በምን ጉዳይ ተጠርጥረው በቁጥጥር ስር እንደዋሉ እስከ አሁን ድረስ የተሰጠ ዝርዝር መረጃ የለም።
የአስቸኳይ ጊዜ አዋጅ ተግባራዊ መደረግን ተከትሎ የጸጥታ ሃይሎች ያለፍርድ ቤት ትዕዛዝ የቤት ለቤት ፍተሻን ሲያካሄዱ መቆየታቸው ይታወቃል። ለሁለት ሳምንት ያህል በተካሄደው በዚሁ ዘመቻ በሺዎች የሚቆጠሩ ሰዎች ለእስር መዳረጋቸው ተነግሯል።
ይሁንና መንግስት ለእስር የዳረጋቸውን ሰዎች ቁጥርና ማንነት ከመግለጽ የተቆጠበ ሲሆን፣ ቤተሰቦቻቸው ለእስር የተዳረጉባቸው ሰዎች በበኩላቸው በድርጊቱ ስጋት እንደሆነባቸው ይገልጻሉ።
የግብፅ ውጭ ጉዳይ ሚኒስቴር ሳም ሹክሪ በሁለቱ ግብጻውያን ጉዳይ ዙሪያ ከኢትዮጵያ ባለስልጣናት ጋር በአዲስ አበባ ይመክራሉ ተብሎ ይጠበቃል።
በሊቢያ ጉዳይ ላይ በሚመክር አህጉራዊ ጉባዔ ላይ እየተሳተፉ ያሉት ሚኒስትሩ በሁለቱ ሃገራት መካከል ስላለ አለመግባባት እንዲሁም ለእስር ስለተዳረጉ ሁለት ግብጻውያን ውይይትን ያካሄዳሉ መባሉን የግብፅ መገናኘ ብዙሃን ዘግቧል።
