Monday, January 25, 2016

OFC Leaders and other Oromo Political Prisoners are at Hunger strike in Makalawi

OFC Leaders and other Oromo Political Prisoners are at Hunger strike in Makalawi
Information leaked from Makalawi says OFC leaders along with others are at hunger strike in Makalawi.
That reason why they started the strike
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟInhuman and degrading treatment
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฟbecause they are denied the right to be visited by a family member send leg out counsel
๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿฟthey were not allowed to get books to read ; many were kept in small rooms about the carrying capacity of the rooms ; were detained in safocated rooms that do not have air, and is very risky for their health condition.
They demanded the police officer in charge to come and talk to them but nobody responded to their demand.
It is third day since they started that strike. Since then the police guards at the gate refuses to accept foods from them and finally they just started to tell them "they're not here go home with you foods".
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟIt is reported that some of these prisoners including the prominent leader Bekele Gerba were brought before Federal first instance court, Arada bench.(chilot)
๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸฟSome of them are here:
1- Mr. Bekele Gerba: First vice-Chairman of OFC
2- Mr. Dejene Tafa: Vice Secretary of OFC
3-Mr. Desta Dinka: Chairman of MEDREK/OFC youth league and member of OFC’s audit team
4-Mr. Gurmessa Ayano: Vice-Chairman of OFC youth league and member of MEDREK’s public relations affair committee
6- Mr. Addisu Bullala: Head of public relations of OFC’s youth league; Editor in chief of SAFUU magazine
7- Mr. Dereje Merga: Head of the organizational affairs of the OFC youth league
8- Mr. Alemu Abdisa: Secretary General of OFC’s youth league
9- Mr. Tahir: Central Committee member of OFC
10- Mr. Esmael: Representative of OFC in Ilu Ababora zone, Darmo district; among others, whose peaceful struggle.
Hidhamtoonni Oromoo Maa'ikalaawii keessatti argaman nyaata Lagatan!
Hidhamtootni Oromoo Maa'ikalaawii jiran nyaata lagatuusaanii dhageenye. Nyaata lagachuu (Hunger strike) kana erga jalqaban har'a guyyaa sadeessoo ta'eera.Maatii fi keessa beektonni akka jedhanitti meeshaa nyaata itti geessinu nuuf deebisaa hin jirani, nu dhedheekkamanii gaafa nuti meeshaa gaafannu foolisotnii Maa'ikalaawii 'wedebet temelasu yelem' nuun jechaa jiru. Nama muraasa kutaa duraan keessa jiran irraa baasanii bakka biraa ijijjiiranii jiraachuulle beekkameera.
'har'a eegumsi fi sakatta'iinsi jiru hamaa akka ta'e fi
Murteen nyaata lagachuu hoggantoota OFC Obboo Baqqalaa Garbaa, Obboo Dajanee Xaafaa fi hidamtooti Oromoo mana hidhaa wayyaanee Maa'ikalaawiitti hidhamanii har'as guyyaa sadaffaaf itti fufuun
Gaafiillee armaan gadii akka hatattamaan isaaniif deebi'u gaafachaa akka jiran beekameera.
1-Kan hidhamne mana Dukkana keessatti
2-Kitaabi nuuf hin galu, ciisichii keenya dhiphaa fi Kan kutaan keessa jiru qilleensa kan hin arganneedha.
3-foolisootni fi qorattootni naamusaan nu dubbisaa hin jirani, seera biyyatti cabsuun nu reebaa jiru.
4-Maatii keenya wajjin wal arguu nu dhowwaniiru Kan jedhu fi gaafiillee adda addaa gaafachaa akka jiran beekameera. Kana malees
Koomishinarri foolisii haga dhufee nu dubbisutti hin dhaabnu jedhanii jedhan haga yoonaa ammoo koomishnarri deemee hin dubbisnee.
sababa kanaan Miidhaa hamaa tu irra ga'aa jira. gaafiillee isaaniif deebiin Hanga ammaa kennamtees akka hin jirre beekameera.
‪#‎OromoProtests‬ ‪#‎FreeAllPoliticalPrisoners‬
‪#‎FreeBekeleGerba‬ ‪#‎FreeDejeneTafa‬
La luta continua

OFC Leaders and other Oromo Political Prisoners are at Hunger strike in...
Posted by Nageessaa Oddoo Duubee on Monday, January 25, 2016

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