HRLHA Urgent Action
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) has confirmed that deaths resulting from the ongoing crackdown of peaceful protesters in various parts of the regional state of Oromia has now reached 122, while mass arrests and detentions have also been intensified.

Top officials of the opposition Oromo Federalist Congress (OFC) party have been targeted in the most recent cases of kidnappings, arrests and detentions. Accordingly, Mr. Dajane Tafa, Deputy General Secretary of OFC, was kidnapped by federal armed forces and taken away to yet unknown destination yesterday morning, December 24, 2015 around the area known as Giyorgis, in the centre of the Capital Finfinne/Addis Ababa on his way to work. In the same way, Mr. Bekele Garba, Deputy Chairman of the OFC, who spent about four years in jail on fabricated allegations and released recently, was also arrested yesterday afternoon from his home in Adama and taken away also by armed federal forces.
HRLHA has been informed that homes of both Mr. Dajane Tafa and Mr. Bekele Garba have been searched for hours; and that of Mr. Bekele Gerba in particular remained invaded and surrounded by the federal armed forces until late in the afternoon.

Also, Gemechis an accountant and employee of Ethiopian Commercial bank Hana Mariam branch was taken by security force from his work place at around 10am on December 16, 2015 detained at Mi’kelwi. Eight medical students (Haymano tGizachew, Bacha Tesfaye, Sambato Tolera, Taddese Mossisa, Dawit Qanate, Gebiyaw Ambaw, another Haymanot, and Markos) who were in the final years of their studies, were arrested on the 21
st of December, 2015 and taken away from Menelik Hospital in the Capital, Finfinne/Addis Ababa, where they have been doing their internship. Another eight Oromo nationals in Goro, Bale (Husen Abdo Naja, Jemal Mohammad Kabo, Mohammad Husen Kedir, Mohammad Husen Aliyyi, Ibro Abdu, Abdulkarim Qamar, Abdul Wahib, and Ahmad) were arrested and detained on the 8
th of December, 2015. The homes of all those detained Oromos were searched on allegations of hiding weapons.

In addition to the figures issued in the recent two releases
[1], HRLHA has obtained the names of about 82 more victims of the extra-judicial killings by the federal armed forces and security agents of the Federal Government of Ethiopia. Among them were a seven-month expecting woman (victim # 118), and a mother and a son. Below is the list of those victim:
The Human Rights League of the Horn of Africa (HRLHA) strongly condemn the brutal and inhuman treatment of the EPRDF Government against Oromo Nation and urge to halt it genocidal actions against innocent citizens.
It also calls upon International community, UN Human Rights Council, International Human Rights Organization, donor Governments and NGOs to put all possible pressures on Ethiopian Government to halt its ethnic persecution and crime against humanity in Oromia Regional State.
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[1] Extreme cruelty and brutality against Oromo;, and
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