The Master Plan that sparked a wide protest can be found here #OromoProtests #Ethiopia
— Ethiopian Press (@abenezer_a) December 6, 2015
#OromoProtests | Support victims who have lost their loved ones & are incarcerated for months. #Oromo #Ethiopia
— Abiy Atomssa (@abiy_atom) December 5, 2015
— Girmabbaacabsaa (@girmabbaacabsaa) December 4, 2015
— Ethiopian Press (@abenezer_a) December 5, 2015
@abenezer_a Can u plz b kind enough to use z hashtag #OromoProtests rather than #Oromoprotests or anyother?Also plz can u storify z former?
— Girmabbaacabsaa (@girmabbaacabsaa) December 5, 2015
I not only disrespect TPLF but truly hate them....#oromoprotest #SAYNO. Who wouldn't hate savagery:
— Solomon Geleta (@Slmnhg) December 1, 2015
Wn repression is response, resistance continues like never before -
Naqamtee Under Siege
Networks have been shutdown
— Yonatan T Regassa (@YTamhaT) December 1, 2015
በጣም አሳዛኝ ዜና ከሀሮማያ። ተማሪዎችን መደብደብ እና መግደል መፍትሄ አይሆንም። #oromoprotest #oromostudents
— Dawit Ayele (@z_dawit) November 30, 2015
እናት በችጋር አሳድጋ ተማሪ ቤት የላከችውን ልጇን አንዲሁ በመንገድ ቀረ ሲሏት ምን ይሰማት ይሆን….
ክፉ መንግስት
የእናት ማህጸን የማያውቃቸው ወመኔዎች
— Robel Ayalew (@lovejesus377) November 30, 2015
#OromoProtest brutality on peacefully protesting students is only savagery.
— Solomon Geleta (@Slmnhg) November 30, 2015
Zey say 15 mill r in hunger while zey r taking z land from z farmers who r the solutions. Stand for the farmers #oromoprotest #Ethiopia
— kjsaintj (@kjsaintj) November 30, 2015
#oromoprotest Ethiopan forces are killing students in many universities for opposing land grab. Happening now.
— Save Oromia (@gadamoji1900) November 30, 2015