Tuesday, June 16, 2015

How to Stop Corruption [opinion]

by Arun Korath 

Jun 16, 2015 (The Ethiopian Herald/All Africa Global Media via COMTEX) -- 

Stopping corruption is saving this generation and the one to come.

Corruption is a serious problem. It can be controlled. Honest and dedicated persons in public life could be the most important prescriptions to combat corruption. It has a destructive consequence on the Ethiopian economy.
It exasperates image of the country in global arena and leads to loss of overseas opportunities. Corruption is also a global problem that all countries of the world need to confront. Here are some principles that help us to fix the problem.
1. A reasonable and transparent tax structure, backed by clean and clear enforcement:_Our direct taxes (personal income and corporate) are no longer unreasonable, so there's little excuse for trying to evade them.
But there is an unhealthy trend in piling on surcharges on various pretexts. Also, there are tons of other taxes that can add up to quite a bit. Finally, there's the larger question of how efficiently and honestly taxpayers' money is put to use -- when you see the state of government hospitals and schools, and rotten roads, you wonder where the money you paid as tax has gone.
2. Liberal and contemporary laws that citizens can understand and respect: People find it difficult to accept ridiculous, outdated and moralistic laws - worse, they may not even be aware of some of these laws till some law enforcer somewhere decides to use them to harass and to extract money.
Once you dismiss a law or rule as stupid and worthy of breaking, there's a human tendency to take other laws less seriously. Therefore, to the extent possible, there's a need to cut back on the multiplicity of unnecessary and complex laws, and zero in on just the ones that are needed to ensure a fair, equitable and just system. These should then be administered without fear or favour.
3. Reduce the role of the government in people's lives to the absolutely essential: In some ways, this is related to our earlier point. The greater the scope for government interference - be it the police or the clerk in a government office or the customs inspector - the greater the scope for harassment and graft.
4. Minimize discretionary powers of ministers and bureaucrats: This would reduce scope for misuse of such powers to favour some - especially in lucrative areas such as award of government land. Where discretionary powers are unavoidable, bring in checks and balance. After a deal is done, the relevant documents should be put up on the internet.
5. Pay government and officers, judges and policemen market-indexed salaries commensurate with their responsibility: This would minimise the 'need' for bribes. Their salaries could be bench marked against corporate sector salaries.
But higher salaries should be combined with exemplary punishment, including dismissal from service and a police case if an employee is caught indulging in corrupt practices. Mere transfer or suspension won't do.
6 Keep transactions online and provide bill for every purchase: Many of them do not pay taxes and escape. This involves corruption.
Making payments online through bank accounts and provision of bills for every transaction involving money. This is a better corruption watch. In other words, public should opt for cashless transactions where possible. This will limits the corruption related to money.
7. Camera in most government offices: In every ATM there are camera to keep a watch on the public taking their money. Then why not government offices have cameras to have a watch on the employee performance.
Even there are many employees who openly take bribe in presence of common men. This public bribery is due to confidence that public wants their work more than the amount they are paying to them as bribes.
8. Introduce sweeping police reforms and stronger judicial accountability: This has been discussed for decades but there's been no action. The recommendations for reforms are already there. Set a time frame for implementation. This will make the police not just a professional force that's not at the beck and call of politicians, but also a trained one with in-built checks against developing vested interests.
Today the situation often is that the investigator (police officer) is answerable to the person being investigated (politician).
Also, separate the police into two wings: one for investigation and the other for maintaining law and order. The two functions are different and require different skill sets. Sadly, the image of the judiciary has taken a knock in recent years - for the common man, the courts are the last resort for seeking justice.
9. Blacklist corrupt businessmen: Private businesses caught indulging in corrupt practices or bribing officials should be blacklisted for, say, 10 years and be barred from government projects.
In the category of corrupt practices would fall use of shoddy material - like road contractors who give one inch of tar when they are supposed to give four inches and the road crumbles after one monsoon. Bigger instances of private businesses cutting corners in public projects by colluding with corrupt officials should attract exemplary punishment.
10. Transparency and stricter scrutiny of government tenders/orders, including auction/sale of public-owned assets: Hundreds of thousands of orders are placed every year by government departments. It's common knowledge that tenders are often awarded on considerations other than merit. This is one of the biggest sources of corruption in the country. And don't forget, this is taxpayers' money that is being diverted illegally.
Finally, and this is for every one of us, let's try and say no to bribes. This is the right moment to unleash a national campaign against giving bribes as the mood against corruption is high. Ultimately, we can't get rid of the bribe taker if we are willing to be bribe givers.

Source: http://www.individual.com

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