Monday, October 26, 2015

International News Media Report about PAFD, Newly Established Coalition of National Liberation Movements for the Right to National Self-Determination in Ethiopia

OLF Forms Alliance with 4 Political Organizations for Right to Self-Determination & Just Political Order in Ethiopia, Radio Afuura Biyyaa Reports

The Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) has formed a political alliance with four political organizations – namely, the Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), the Gambela People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) and the Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF); the name of the new coalition is the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD). PAFD was founded in Oslo, Norway, after its member organizations met for a 2-day conference culminating on October 23, 2015. According to the press-release, “PAFD will create an opportunity for all peoples in Ethiopia to co-create a transitional political order that is based on the consent of all peoples, where the outmoded hegemonic culture of a single group dominating the rest is dismantled and a new just political order is established, where the respect of the right to self-determination is genuinely granted to all” (READ MORE BELOW). The following is a report by Radio Afuura Biyyaa on PAFD.

Click on the video below to start the audio report:



(October 24, 2015) – Five National Liberation Struggles in Ethiopia Form Alliance, PAFD (Oromo, Benishangul, Gambela, Ogaden & Sidama) | Press-Release, Declaration and Photos from the Founding Congress

Press-Release, Declaration and photos from the Founding Congress of Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), a coalition of five national liberation struggles in Ethiopia: the Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), the Gambela People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF) – in Oslo on October 23, 2015

Press Release: The Founding of Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)

Delegates of Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), Gambella People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF) met in Oslo, Norway from 22 October to 23 October 2015 to lay the foundation of political alliance between the peoples in Ethiopia and have formed the Peoples Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD).
The PAFD will create an opportunity for all peoples in Ethiopia to co-create a transitional political order that is based on the consent of all peoples, where the outmoded hegemonic culture of a single group dominating the rest is dismantled and a new just political order is established, where the respect of the right to self-determination is genuinely granted to all.
PAFD will conduct diplomatic, advocacy, information and other campaigns to change the current undemocratic political culture and oppressive system in Ethiopia.
PAFD will have a Governing Council (GC) composed of representatives of the political leadership of the founding organisations and members representing the civil societies of the respective communities.
The Governing Council will elect an Executive Committee (EC), a chairperson and two vice-chairpersons that rotate yearly among the organization members. The Executive Committee will be the standing committee and will have the bureaus of diplomacy, organization, finance, information and others.
PAFD call upon all peoples in Ethiopia to join the alliance and support it in order to end the suffering and dehumanization of all peoples in Ethiopia by the current government. PAFD call upon the regional and international communities, to play a positive role in diffusing this looming danger by supporting the peoples in Ethiopia rather than the illegitimate government before it is too late.
Finally, PAFD call upon the current government in Ethiopia to refrain from all acts of violence, respect human rights, obey the rule of law, and commit to peaceful and democratic resolution of political conflicts.
Issued by PAFD
Oslo, Norway
October 23, 2015
PAFD email:
– BPLM +2917296477
– GPLM +12042185988
– ONLF +447940624477
– OLF +4797357264
– SNLF +44 7984480752

Declaration of the Establishment of the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD)

– Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM),
– Gambela People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM),
– Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF),
– Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and
– Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF)
Considering the grave injustices and oppression perpetrated by the current regime in Ethiopia;
Concerned by the massive propaganda campaign undertaken by the Ethiopian government intended to deceive the peoples in Ethiopia and the international community in order to legitimise and continue its dictatorial and repressive rule;
Cognizant of the need for a united effort among the oppressed peoples in Ethiopia to put an end to the unremitting cruel repression perpetrated by successive and current regimes of the empire;
Taking into account the current lack of political vision by some opposition groups in Ethiopia to embrace the political and social changes that Ethiopia has undergone over the last fifty years, as the result of the heavy prices paid by the nations in Ethiopia for the right of self-determination and rejecting their archaic adherence to political precepts no longer tenable in the 21st century, such as negating the rights of nations in Ethiopia to self-determination;
Categorically stating that our peoples, who fought and still continue fighting with their blood against successive oppressive regimes in Ethiopia, will never give up on the fruits of their struggle and allow reversal of their historic gains for the right of self-determination;
Have formed the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), which will foster the favorable conditions that will bring an opportunity for all the peoples in Ethiopia to co-create a political order that will practically allow all to exercise genuine democratic rights including the right to self-determination;
Therefore, the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD) will:
1. Strive through the peoples’ power to dismantle the outmoded hegemonic culture of a single group dominating the rest and will establish and a new, just political order.
2. Establish a Political Order that derive its legal authority through effective, democratically elected organs and legal processes that are based on a pluralist consensus and genuine universal suffrage where relationships are established through impartial and authentic exercise of self-determination where both individual and people’s rights are fully respected.
3. Endeavour to achieve a peaceful and orderly transfer of power to the peoples in Ethiopia by engaging representatives of all the different nations, nationalities and other stakeholders committed to genuine democracy in Ethiopia.
4. Guarantee that all changes, arrangements and configurations that are intended to end the recurrent conflicts in Ethiopia must be based on the will and consent of each and every nation and nationality in the Ethiopian empire state.
Finally, the PAFD calls on all concerned parties, including the current government of Ethiopia, the representatives of all nations and nationalities in Ethiopia, with the facilitation of the international community, to seize this opportunity and hold a comprehensive conference to create a broader roadmap to thereby resolve the enormous problems confronting the Ethiopian Empire state.
PAFD also calls the international community to respect the wishes, desires and rights of all the nations and nationalities in Ethiopia in their engagments and understand that all status quo is untenable, and a recipe for a simmering disaster that will end in castarophe unless remedied in opportune time.
Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy
Oslo, Norway
October 23, 2015
PAFD email:
Members Telephones:
– BPLM +2917296477
– GPLM +12042185988
– ONLF +447940624477
– OLF +4797357264
– SNLF +44 7984480752

Photos from the Founding Congress:


(October 25, 2015) – OVR: Ob. Toleeraa Adabaa of OLF Talks About PAFD – the New Alliance of National Liberation Struggles in Ethiopia


SBO – October 25, 2015 – News and Coverage of the PAFD Establishment

SBO Onkoloolessa 25, 2015. Oduu, Tumsa Bilisummaa Fi Dimookraasii Ummattootaa Hundeeffame Irratti Gaaffii Fi Deebii Bakka Bu’ootaa Dhaabaa Waliin Taasifame Akkasumas Tumsa fi Hundeeffama Waggaa 27ffaa SBO Kaanaadaa Tooroontoo

(October 25, 2015) – In Pictures: The Public Meeting Called Following the Establishment of PAFD (Alliance of 5 National Liberation Struggles in Ethiopia)

The Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy (PAFD), a coalition of five national liberation struggles in Ethiopia: the Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement (BPLM), the Gambela People’s Liberation Movement (GPLM), the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) and Sidama National Liberation Front (SNLF), was founded in Oslo, Norway, on October 22/23, 2015. Following its establishment, PAFD called a public meeting on October 24, 2015, in Oslo, to discuss about the alliance; here are some photos from that meeting.

International media outlets continue to report about the founding of the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy, PAFD – the newly formed coalition of national liberation struggles for the right to national self-determination in Ethiopia (the member organizations of PAFD, i.e. BPLM, GPLM, OLF, ONLF and SNLF, represent more than 60% of the nations, nationalities and peoples in Ethiopia – a population that is inhabiting an area that is ~70% of Ethiopia). Below is how ‘U.S. News & World Report’ reported about the formation of PAFD; other news outlets, such as ABC NewsThe New York Timesand The Washington Post have also carried the story.
Ethiopia: 5 opposition groups in exile say they have formed alliance seeking change back home
KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — Five Ethiopian dissident groups in exile said they have formed an alliance to bring a change of government back home, describing Prime Minister Hailemariam Desalegn’s government as oppressive.
The new group is called the Peoples’ Alliance for Freedom and Democracy, according to a joint statement issued Friday in Oslo, Norway, where the groups met recently.
The alliance was formed by the Benishangul People’s Liberation Movement, the Gambella People’s Liberation Movement, the Ogaden National Liberation Front, the Oromo Liberation Front and the Sidama National Liberation Front, the statement said.
“The (alliance) will create an opportunity for all peoples in Ethiopia to co-create a transitional political order that is based on the consent of all peoples, where the outmoded hegemonic culture of a single group dominating the rest is dismantled and a new just political order is established, where the respect of the right to self-determination is genuinely granted to all,” the statement said. The group said it “will conduct diplomatic, advocacy, information and other campaigns to change the current undemocratic political culture and oppressive system in Ethiopia.”



(October 25, 2015) – Supporters of OLF, BPLM, GPLM, ONLF & SNLF Celebrate Formation of PAFD at Joint Concert in Oslo


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